Sunday, October 16, 2005

MAC vs MerGeo

Last Saturday wrapped up their2005 season with a "fun" adventure race under the radar, called the Mountain Ascent Challenge. No registration, waivers, rules (well some but since its not a race there are officially no official rules:)... just drive up to alpental the night before, first stash some bikes in the middle of nowhere, then run and bike your heart out!

At the top of Mt. Defiance...

Me, Eric Bone, Liz Stahl and Franklin Wood did just that... we were one of seven teams that drove out there friday night and started in 2 minute intervals at 4am from the parking lot, heading out to lost lake and ultimately Mt. Defiance (location of where picture was taken.). We battled it out with team North's Aaron VanderWaal and Ruraidh Stenson, two guys we've been talking about joining our team, and they wanted to make sure we would not change our minds and kicked our butts.... we felt fairly strong but Franklin had some issues and after hurling a couple of times had to drop out at the run/bike transition and so we continued onofficial in an unofficial race.. no harm done....funny anectote is that Eric, who was supposed to fix the big hole that got punched through his rear tire three weeks ago at the Trioba 24, and that he only "fixed" with duct tape, got blown out again, and I forgot my pump, so eric had to run his last six miles of the course in bike shoes while I pushed his limp bike.... sometimes life throws ya a curve ball when you deserve it! :)