Friday, March 17, 2006

24 h in circles? That exists??

Those were the words of a friend... what? Why would you do that? That exists? Thats stupid!
All valuable questions and statements but not to me... why do I choose to run around in circles for 24h... because I can and want to see how long/far I can do it for... this time I only ran the 100k, basically around the same lake in a 1 mile loop for 62.5 times.. which equaled 100km... my knee was bothering me and I did not fuel very smartly (used too much bad food at aid station instead of my race food such as Clif), so I called it a day after 12h53, making it the farthest plain run I had done to date... it was good training for my 24h rogaine race and 100 mile runs to come, and I enjoyed the scenery even though it repeated itself a few dozen times....

Roger coming out of aid station early in the race...

My own little aid station, to be accessed every mile....

Done! 100k in 12h53...

Friday, March 10, 2006

Colinoba II, Guinness Rules!

Yumay, Roger, Bill (aka Ducky Boy) and a bottle of Prangster Beer!

My AR buddy Colin Ness had his 45th birthday this past weekend and what better way to celebrate it than with friends, and what better way than outdoors and what better way than with a mini AR course with lots of special tests and events....

The idea is simple... its an urban adventure, places on maps that one has to find and then take pictures of the whole team plus their mandatory team beer bottle.. (not that s a mandatory team item you dont usually have in AR!)... and lots more....

Yumay and I raced with Bill, a coworker of Colin's and we had a blast and ended up 2nd behind DART/MissingLink/Guniess (there lies the reason, its the strenght of the beer!! :)...

Reed and Andrea studying the maps and instructions...

Team Prangster Beer in front of the Cinerama...

Colin and Connie, what a great Bday!