Friday, March 17, 2006

24 h in circles? That exists??

Those were the words of a friend... what? Why would you do that? That exists? Thats stupid!
All valuable questions and statements but not to me... why do I choose to run around in circles for 24h... because I can and want to see how long/far I can do it for... this time I only ran the 100k, basically around the same lake in a 1 mile loop for 62.5 times.. which equaled 100km... my knee was bothering me and I did not fuel very smartly (used too much bad food at aid station instead of my race food such as Clif), so I called it a day after 12h53, making it the farthest plain run I had done to date... it was good training for my 24h rogaine race and 100 mile runs to come, and I enjoyed the scenery even though it repeated itself a few dozen times....

Roger coming out of aid station early in the race...

My own little aid station, to be accessed every mile....

Done! 100k in 12h53...

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