Monday, March 12, 2007

Raise the roof for Colinoooooooooba III

Colin celebrated his 46th birthday in style this past weekend.... with the 3rd annual Colinoba! This mix of streetscramble, adventure race and drink fest is a classic already now, and hordes of AR buddies participated, namely DART, missing link, Manny's, Trioba, Double Trouble, Dr. Strangelove, Robin, etc....

Colin with his very stylish flamingo theme glasses....

Superheroes on speed... missing DART

Prerace meeting....

The jist of it is find CP locations all over the city as you are running around with a digital camera and an empty big beer bottle, take lots of funky pictures according to rules and instructions, and drink at least three pints in three pubs/bars across the city (also specified)...... I could explain more but let me just make it easy and wrap it up for you... fun, awesome training, great friends.

RVG, JVG and Jerry won the thing, I raced with John, a coworker of Colin's from Boeing and we got 2nd, just seconds behind Jen and Rick Jerabek, but noone cared too much about the results, everyone was out there to have oodles of fun.... pictures courtesy of RVG....!

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