Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sun, Fun on the Peninsula...

Wednesday night sometime past midnight, buried in emails from work and sponsorship, permit and course planning projects for 4th Dimension, Yumay and I decided we needed a break, and looking at our schedules we figured that would be sometime in mid-august, unless we left this weekend... so two very last minute but very determined emails to our bosses and the next morning we were getting ready for our three day weekend on the olympic peninsula. Woohoo! Havent been there but once, and just a drive by anyways, this time we wanted to do some good runs and rides... so off we were to Sequim after our regular team ride on Thursdays at Tiger... we caught a late ferry and found a nice little motel.. and were not more than 20 minute drive away from one of the best mountain bike rides washington has to offer... Dungeness/Gold Creek... about 20 miles with 4500 feet of climb, this ride offeres some of the best singletrack there is.. and all that surprisingly dry... it was a great day of riding, about 5h of constant technical but not too technical riding, and top views of the olympic mountains.

First mountain flowers after a long winter...

Having fun!

River crossing balance...

The next day we were off to run the Lake Ozette triangle... after a beautiful drive along the north coast of the peninsula we got there, beautiful sunshine, just a little wet from the days before.. unfortunately 6 out of the 9 miles are running on wood planks, and about 1.5 miles into the run i slipped on a slighly slanted piece of wood that was as slippery as a banana peel, and fell, and hurt my ankle, AGAIN for the 2nd time this year. Not as bad as last time, but no running for a few days.. we still made it to the wild coast but with my swollen and tender ankle I decided to just stay out there and enjoy the weather and then hike back the way we came... so we skipped day three and went home... a bike ride on sunday will be better and still doable with a tender ankle.... two out of three aint that bad!

Saw Bambi along the way...


Assessing ankle situation...

On the north coast...

1 comment:

DARTvg said...

Cool blog Roger! Great pics of the Peninsula, you guys really lucked out.